When women come together in sisterhood, magic happens.


This pop-up sister's circle is for every person that identifies as a woman. No matter their background or life experiences.

We will primarily be holding loving space for each other in small groups. Allowing space to unburden oneself from the monkey mind without the need to be coached or advised on what to do.

It will be a space to fully be yourself.

This is not a networking or self-promotion event. It's a space to be completely unapologetically a WOMAN!

Next Circle:

Monday Nov. 21, at 9:30 am EST*
(8:30 am CST | 2:30 pm UK time)

Price: FREE. Just sign up below.

*If the date shown above has already passed, you can still sign up to be on the waitlist for the next one.

By signing up, you agree to be able to show up for the entire hour with the ability to have their video and audio on.