For centuries stories were passed down from generation to generation

Filled with timeless wisdom, stories became a lasting legacy.

I grew up on stories of Kompa Nanzi.
A spider that would always outsmart the King, Shon Arei.

It was shocking to hear that stories of Anansi were also told in Belize. Come to find out stories of a witty trickster spider are told throughout the Caribbean.

The origin of these stories can be traced back to Ghana where enslaved individuals were trafficked out of 'the door of no return' to the Americas. Though they left with mostly naked bodies, the legacy of the witty trickster spider came along with them. Serving as a way to help them escape the harshness of enslavement both mentally and physically.

It's beautiful to see how these stories survived the middle passage are are still told today!

Stories unite us

They help us understand each other. Even if someone's story is the complete opposite of your experience, by sharing their story, you can understand them.

Stories make us human.

Through stories, we understand that even the most seemingly evil person has a reason why they do what they do.

Recently I completed 365 days of sharing my wisdom daily through stories live on Facebook. I called them the Morning Nuggets.

After completing that challenge on December 31st, there was an emptiness that came in with the new year. A way for me to share stories and wisdom was cut out.

This year, my focus is my memoir.

I've decided to take anyone interested on this memoir journey with me. Where I will be sharing excerpts of the book and telling stories weekly. All while also creating a platform for others to share their stories as they please.

I've called it…


- At least 4 video stories a month, including the wisdom gained from it
- A downloadable audio version of the stories
- Excerpts from my memoir as I write it
- A Facebook Group to share your stories as you please

BONUS: 1 x 60 min call wisdom extraction coaching call. Where you'll share your current story and we'll look at it differently to find a solution.

I imagine it as a community sitting by the fire sharing stories like Kompa Nanzi.

To join is an investment of $22 a month. You can join and cancel at any time. The money will go towards managing this virtual experience while supporting me as I write my book.