Hey Sheedia January Shopping Event

A showcase of all the containers to work with me in January 2023. Feel free to watch the shopping channel style video and find the links below. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me directly at hello@heysheedia.com.


The Reconnection

Come alive in 2023 by reconnecting to your soul in this breathwork-focused group coaching program.

Breathwork Portal

Get instant access to On-Demand Breathwork classes to get still and connect within.

Breathwork x Coaching

A private 1-on-1 healing experience for coaches who desire to uplevel at record speeds. Also available for those who do not identify as a coach but would like the experience.


An emotional mastery and leadership focused on being and leading yourself. No more information was available when this live stream was recorded so it gave a ridiculously low price.

The Legacy Program

Unlock the wisdom of the past, present, and future to make your legacy vision a reality effortlessly.

Voxer Coaching Masterclass

The Best Selling Hey Sheedia program teaching the nitty-gritty of offering Voxer Coaching.



Who’s this?

Sheedia (shey-dee-ah) is a Freedom Alchemist. Here to leave a legacy of freedom for millions of women.

It started 9 years ago by creating freedom in her life through business. She then became an intuitive business coach helping lady coaches expand their coaching business through her motto "Your Business Your Way".

She's recently expanded her vision beyond being a business coach. Now she's helping her clients break glass ceilings and create freedom in all aspects of their lives.

Ready to build a Soulful Coaching Business??

Access the FREE tools NOW!


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Sheedia Jansen

As a Freedom Alchemist, I create safe spaces to break free of conformity and create an exhilarating, liberated existence.


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