I Decided to Work 2 Hours a Day, Here's What Happened
About a month ago, I decided to work 2 hours or less on weekdays. This was an inspired download after mind mapping for my next launch. I knew it was something that I had to do, but of course, all the fears came pouring in...
What if I never get to launch?
What if this means I won’t make the money needed to pay my bills?
What if this is the reason my launch won’t work out?
My mission in life is to experience freedom by challenging the norm. By deciding to only work two hours a day, I’m literally doing that. So regardless of those fears, I decided to go for it anyways.
The 2-hour workday rules
Before starting, I had to set some clear rules for myself. The first one was that I would work no more than two hours a day on the back end of my business. Client calls, masterclasses, and Lady Coach Lounge weekly Q&As were not included in the two hours. Though any preparation for those things was.
Only weekdays
Besides that, I decided to continue only working weekdays. If there was something I wanted to do during the weekend, I am able to do it as long as it doesn’t take longer than two hours.
As a full-time intuitive business coach, this would be a huge setback in hours. Given that before starting the experiment, I was working 3-4 hour days on the back end of my business.
Undoing the mental conditioning
The first thing I noticed was how important it was for me to undo the mental conditioning. The biggest conditioning that came up for me over and over again was that I needed to work hard for money. I found myself believing that I will not be able to care for myself financially because I wasn’t working enough.
Which also made me realize how much useless shit I was doing in the past just to feel like I worked hard. To overcome this, I regularly affirmed myself with beliefs like “I attract money by being me”.
The 80-20 rule
According to the 80-20 rule, 80% of the things we do only produce 20% of the results. Whereas 20% of the things we do produce 80% of the results. As you can imagine, I had to take time to focus on the 20% that produces the most results. There simply wasn’t time for the 80% of nonsense anymore.
Quantity vs. quality vs. results
What came as a huge surprise was that refocusing on what worked, really upped my results. My work became more about quality instead of quantity. The only thing I was able to promote since starting 2-hour workdays, has been my membership. The Lady Coach Lounge membership has grown by 230% during that time. Right after doubling the price...cha-ching!
Making up for lost time
A lot of guilt came up on the days that I couldn’t work the entire 2 hours. Like the day I went to the beach all day. I tried to work 3-hour days for two days to make up that time. For me, that came from a space of lack. So I decided to not continue trying to make up time.
Living in Curaçao means beach time whenever I want 😉😉
Time is an illusion
2-hour workdays really showed me how time is an illusion. Two hours of focused work is actually way longer than it sounds. I am getting way more done during those two hours than I did working 3-4 hours before. This is not surprising. Research has shown that multitasking is not productive!
Creation is messy
Just because I wasn't working for 22 hours out of the day, doesn’t mean that I wasn’t creating. Not working, meant that my mind had more time to wander. More time to dream. This also meant, better ideas and more creative ways of doing things were coming through. After all, I had to get creative.
During those times, I often stopped and wrote down my ideas in my Google Keep. As a result, my work time became more about doing, then it was about trying to come up with ideas. Content creation is taking way less time than it did before.
Creatively trying to do things, also means letting go of how I've always done things. This is scary and uncomfortable. It brings up all the fears together with the fight, flight, or freeze responses.
Fear itself can’t be used to one’s advantage
In the past, I used fear to my “advantage”. Taking that desire to fight and channel it into my work. This has helped me look extremely productive in the past. Like when I set up an entire summit in 4 days.
Using fear like that means creating from lack and fear. This energy attracts people who are also in that state of lack and fear. Clients that require a ton of convincing. The type of clients that take up all your energy and produce sub-par results.
Creating from a space of abundance means attracting soul-aligned clients. Clients who don’t need convincing. The type of clients who signs up with a “hell yeah” attitude. Clients that not only love being in your energy but that you love being in their energy as well. Clients that feel expansive to work with.
I’ve come to the conclusion that fear in its raw form can’t be used to my advantage. The power of the fear needs to be transmuted into a higher vibration first. A grounded vibration that can be guided by the higher self. This allows one to make decisions out of love instead of fear.
I didn’t know how to get to the next level
If I knew how to get to the next level, a year ago, I would have already done it. If you knew how to get more clients, make more money, live in a bigger house, vacation more, you would have already done it.
Other people can always share how they’ve done something, but that doesn’t mean that it will work for you. That’s why I always teach finding your own way by connecting within.
As a coach that teaches Your Business Your Way, I can’t tell anyone what their way should be. Based on my results, I would say that the 2-hour workday is working for me. I knew it would because it was an inspired action.
If you feel inspired to adopt a 2-hour workday, go for it. However, if this doesn't feel like the direction for you, that’s ok as well.
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