9 Facts About Building a Coaching Business Your Way
There are three types of people who are drawn to the Your Business Your Way idea. The first group are those who are getting started and feeling excited about everything
Secondly, there are those who have tried different strategies and have finally realized that they can't do it. They're the ones that always commit to following every step of the strategy. Only to get stuck on a step that doesn't feel aligned with them, so they then have to move on to another strategy.
Lastly, there are those who have had success applying strategies that feel like it kills a part of their soul.
No matter which group someone's in, it's always tough to decide to go the "Your Business Your Way" route. Choosing that route means, trusting yourself. Having an inner knowing that coming up with your own way of doing things will make you successful. This is hard to grasp for everyone taught to believe that other people know better.
Over the years, I've got to perfect the idea of your business your way. Learning so many hard lessons along the way. The benefit of learning those lessons is that I get to pass on the knowledge. This makes it easier on those that are starting out. That's what I love about being an intuitive business coach. And it's exactly what I'm about to do now.
Now, without further ado, here are…
9 Facts About Building a Coaching Business Your Way
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1. Your strategy will unfold one step at a time
At the core of building your business your way is, knowing what your way is. As sexy as that sounds, so many people don't know what they want. Which is ok. Knowing what you don't want is often the place to start.
From there it becomes easier to adjust along the way. Nobody will know their exact success strategy from the start. It's about staying true to oneself to know when something feels off to change it. Waiting for the entire strategy to come to you is not the solution.
2. Your business your way is not a shortcut to doing the work
You still gotta show up and do the work no matter what. Even though I do things my way in my business, I still got work to do. Sometimes it's tedious annoying work that I don't want to do. There's no perfect world where all that annoying work goes away.
However, since I do enjoy 80% of the way I do things in my business, it's easy to encourage myself to do what I don't want to do. It's a small uncomfortable step to more of what I want. Similar to how I tolerate plane rides because I love to travel.
3. You still got to run your business
Having someone else run your business is being an employee. A team can help with a lot, but they will never be able to run your business for you. If they're that good that they can run your entire business, why wouldn't they run their own business?
If you're not interested in running your business, it's ok not to do it. If you're lacking guidance on how to build your business, check out the Lady Coach Lounge. A membership that eases the stress of figuring things out.
4. You will still be uncomfortable
Growth is uncomfortable... period! More and more people are quitting their jobs to start a business. Often because of all the uncomfortable restrictions of being an employee. Truth is, running your own coaching business will make you uncomfortable in many ways.
The Instagram perfect life where one does whatever they want is not real. Yes, there are so many great highlights. You get to work in your pj's, and can clear your schedule for fun activities. Nonetheless, to grow, one must take scary leaps. It's about feeling the fear and doing it anyway.
👇 Listen in as I explain more on How to Build Your Business Your Way.👇
5. You will experience failure
Yup. Failure will happen. Even if you listen to your intuition every step of the way. This is not me being a negative Nancy. It's me being honest based on my experience seeing over a dozen clients grow their business. Success does not exist without failure. Everyone experiences temporary defeat. It's part of the journey.
The benefit of failure is feedback. It's giving you a clear example of what doesn't work. Successful people use that feedback to their advantage. They acknowledge the feedback, fix what's necessary and try again.
6. You will still need a strategy
I used to believe that doing things my way meant that I get to do whatever I wanted to. Turns out that is a sure way to create a hot mess of a failure. A strategy is necessary.
Hope is not a strategy. A business will still need, innovation, marketing, and sales. Each person can do all that their way, but it still needs to happen. For support to create a personalized strategy that attracts clients on repeat, there’s the Consistent Clients Mastermind.
7. You can't skip out on the inner work
Like the poop idea, in order to get rid of the smell, you have to do some deep cleaning. Which is allowing yourself to feel the feelings and release them.
Coaches aren't unfamiliar with doing the inner work. That's what most coaches help their clients do. What often happens is, they forget to apply their own tools in the area of business. Though this is normal, it's such a shame not to use your gems for your own success.
Doing the inner work helps you find your way, and reconnect with yourself. As a result, it will become easier to you to make the right decisions.
8. Spirituality will play its role
Yes, it's possible to succeed without spirituality. It's also possible to become wildly successful and extremely unhappy. The way to happiness and success is through having some sort of spiritual connection.
9. You have to believe it's possible
If you don't believe you can have what you're pursuing, you will never give it your all to get it. Which drastically lowers the possibility of succeeding.
You may also like: How to Build Your Business Your Way
Running your business your way is not a cop-out to be lazy and not get things done. It does not mean everything will be rosy daisy. Not everything will go your way. Sadly this wasn't logical to me. After reading this, you now know better 😉.
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