10 Coaches Share How to Achieve Your Goals in The New Year
There's so much noise out there on how to prepare for the new year. This blog post is to sift through some of that noise and bring some amazing exercises to you.
A total of 10 coaches contributed to this article. Each coach was asked a simple question: “Based on your area of coaching, what coaching exercise would you recommend for someone to prepare to reach their goals in 2022?”. It was pretty open-ended, which was the intention.
Truth is, each coach is different. Not only in their area of coaching. They also have different personalities, values, and business practices. As someone that believes in building your business your way, I find this a beautiful thing.
It was interesting seeing all the answers. Some coaches had a long detailed answer with clear exercises. While others answered the question in a sentence.
After looking at all the answers, a pattern emerged. A road map to achieving goals in this new year. Reflect, Letting go, Align, Refocus. Of course, this “roadmap” is not the approach for individual coaches. It’s just what came from the collective answers.
Reflecting on the previous year
A full 60% of the coaches who contributed to this blog post, mentioned reflecting on the past year. A powerful exercise when it comes to preparing for setting and achieving goals in the new year. Reflecting or reviewing the new year can take different forms.
Financial coach Lana Williams recommends reviewing the previous spending. Making it easier to set financial goals for the new year. While Confidence and Goal Success Coach, Tameeka Leon, has a signature reflect and refocus exercise.
A unique way to review the year is by writing down a timeline from January to December. This is what Mindset & Manifestation Coach Monetta MD suggests. The timeline includes areas of growth, manifestations, achievements, and major lessons learned.
Couples can reflect by talking about what’s unfinished. This is what Relationship coach Melissa Shaw, includes as part of her goal-setting activities for couples. Reminding us that goal setting is not just for individuals. According to her, it can help “couples feel closer and more connected”.
Reflecting exercise by Stef Ventura:
Reflect on 2021 to see what worked, what didn't work, what goals they reached, which ones they didn't and why etc.
Based on exercise #1, they'd need to get clear on what they'd truly like to achieve in 2022. Maybe past goals are no longer in alignment or are now too small.
Letting Go
After reflecting on the past year, it’s a good idea to let go of things. Amanda Joseph, who also goes by The Worthiness Witch, recommends a Burn Ceremony for this part. “Fire is a powerful tool to cut ties with old habits, to transmute stagnant energy, and to awaken and ignite new manifestations”, says Amanda. According to her, “rituals and ceremonies help to mark and honor something. Which distinguishes them from our day-to-day lives.”
Burn Ceremony directions by Amanda Joseph:
Write a list of things you're ready to release and leave behind in 2021 (it's ok if you do this in January). Also make a list on a separate sheet of paper of what you're calling in for 2022. I recommend making two copies of this list- keep one to review next December. At the bottom of the list, write, "In burning this list, I activate each item and call it in from the realm of infinite possibility to manifest in my physical reality in Divine timing and Divine order." Feel free to use words that feel good & juicy to you!
I start all ceremonies by casting a circle and calling in the directions and all of the bings available to support us in unconditional love. If this feels too much for you, spend a minute breathing deep and grounding into the present moment, moving forward with intention.
If you can, light a fire outside and burn what you're releasing then stand up, shake your body/dance/howl- something that marks the end of the releasing. Then burn & activate what you're calling in. If you can't have an outdoor bonfire, plan on making two lists- one to release and one to call in (no burning big items indoors). Place a fire-proof dish on a fire-safe surface, add some water and carefully burn each list in turn, pausing between to physically mark the end of the release.
Lastly, put out the fire safely, and call out the directions, giving thanks for the support you received.
Getting into alignment
“Get into your body!” is Regan Simpson’s simple recommendation here. Not surprising advice for a Trauma-informed embodiment coach. Who goes on to say that “this way you can make aligned goals, and follow the wisdom of your intuition to get you there.”
That brings us to Inner Life Coach, Beth Gray's suggestion. She mentioned, “alignment of the heart's desires, with planning and doing". Allowing for heart, head, and cut alignment. This exercise removes all the inner obstacles to moving forward with one's goals.
At the end of the day, what it all comes down to is nervous system regulation. Integrating this into a daily practice helps people “feel safe to dream big and hit their goals”, says Quintina Sonnie.
Getting into alignment exercise by Beth Gray:
Start from compassion: for yourself as well as for others (what do you compassionately desire when you love yourself).
Check-in with what you believe and what meaning you've assigned to this desire, and consider how it can be creatively brought into existence - there are many paths and options. Creativity is what your head does best - you can create worries & image all kinds of awful things - or you can use that very same imagination and visualize what you want.
Finally, allow that compassion and creativity to come down and light a fire in your gut - a fire of courage and motivation: one that allows you to listen to your gut instinct (yes/no) and also touches with that inner child and who you truly are.
“Focus your attention to your long-term goal, and what you will do in the coming 12 months to get closer to achieving that goal”, says Tameeka Leon.
This is where Ryleigh (RK) reminds us of the importance of working on an irresistible sales pitch. “The key to a successful sales pitch is not just what you say but also the product that's behind it and how well they fit into your client’s life”. As a Business Sales Coach, it's what she reminds her clients on the regular.
After reflecting on the previous year, “they'd need to get clear on what they'd truly like to achieve in 2022. Maybe past goals are no longer in alignment or are now too small.” says Psychic Soul Empowerment Coach, Stef Ventura.
Refocus questions to ask yourself by Tameeka Leon:
What is your biggest goal for the next 12 months?
How will your life change once you achieve this goal?
To achieve your goal, what tools/resources do you need?
Who will you reach out to for support?
How will you feel once you have achieved this goal? (Happy, successful, capable, confident, etc)
What can you do today to start feeling that way?
What skills do you need to have in order to achieve this goal?
How will you incorporate mindfulness and self-care into your routine?
What will you do to keep yourself motivated throughout the year?
What are you most looking forward to?
How will you celebrate your small goals throughout the year and achieving your big goal at the end of the year?
What is your word/ phrase for the next 12 months?
Thinking of what you want to achieve, what word/phrase will be a reminder to stay focused on your goal?
What actions will you commit to taking in the next 7 days to get started on your goal?
What action will you commit to taking today?
The takeaway
If there's anything we can take from the expertise offered here, is that...
1. There's more that goes into setting goals than picking a goal
2. It's important to set goals for all the important areas of life
3. There are different ways to set and stick to goals. It's all about finding the thing that works for you.
It's worth repeating again that this article is an overview of the answers given by the coaches. Their individual recommendations have not been altered. However, they may not use each step found here as part of their coaching.
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Check out the experts…
Each one of these coaches has so much to offer. I highly recommend following the ones that you feel most aligned to. If what they recommended really spoke to you, reach out to them personally to find a way to work together.
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